
BetterThumbnailBrowser Methods

The methods of the BetterThumbnailBrowser class are listed below. For a complete list of BetterThumbnailBrowser class members, see the BetterThumbnailBrowser Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

GetThumbnailSize Get thumbnail image size for the specified view.
GetThumbnailSpacing Get spacing between items in the specified view.
RestartLoadingOverloaded. Restart item loading if already running.
SetThumbnailSize Set thumbnail image size for the specified view.
SetThumbnailSpacing Set spacing between items for the specified view.
StartLoading Start loading thumbnail items.
StopLoading Stop loading thumbnail items.
ZoomIn Increase thumbnail image size.
ZoomOut Decrease thumbnail image size.

Protected Instance Methods

DisposeOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Control and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
OnItemLoaded Raises the ItemLoaded event.
OnLoadingFinished Raises the LoadingFinished event.
OnMouseWheel Raises the MouseWheel event.
OnParentChanged Raises the ParentChanged event.
OnResize Raises the Resize event.
OnScrollBarValueChanged Raises the HScrollPropertiesChanged event or the VScrollPropertiesChanged event.
OnThumbnailSizeChanged Raises the ThumbnailSizeChanged event.
OnViewChanged Raises the ViewChanged event.

See Also

BetterThumbnailBrowser Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace