
BetterThumbnailBrowser Members

BetterThumbnailBrowser overview

Public Static Fields

ExtensionsSeparator Character for separating extensions in the SupportedExtensions property.

Public Instance Constructors

BetterThumbnailBrowser Constructor Initializes a new instance of the BetterThumbnailBrowser class.

Public Instance Properties

CenterThumbnails Gets or sets a value indicating whether to align thumbnail items to the center horizontally.
ColumnsDisplayMode Gets or sets display mode of the column headers.
FilenameFormatOptions Gets or sets the options for generating thumbnail item labels from image file paths.
LoadingProviders Gets or sets the list of thumbnail item loading providers.
LoadingThreadIsBackground Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail item loading thread should run on background.
LoadingThreadPriority Gets or sets the thumbnail item loading thread priority.
Path Gets or sets the path to folder from which to load thumbnail items.
RefreshDelay Gets or sets the delay (in milliseconds) between loaded thumbnail items get refreshed.
SupportedExtensions Gets or sets the list of supported extensions separated by a semicolon.
ThumbnailImageBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the thumbnail image border.
ThumbnailImageBorderThickness Gets or sets the thumbnail image border thickness (in pixels).
ThumbnailImageBorderType Gets or sets the style of the thumbnail image border.
ThumbnailImagePadding Gets or sets the thumbnail image padding.
ThumbnailInnerPadding Gets or sets the thumbnail item internal padding.
ThumbnailOuterPadding Gets or sets the thumbnail item external padding.
ThumbnailSize Gets or sets the thumbnail image size in the current view.
ThumbnailSizesMouseWheel Gets or sets the list of thumbnail sizes used for mouse wheel zooming.
ThumbnailSpacing Gets or sets spacing between thumbnail items.
ThumbnailTextLines Gets or sets the maximum allowed number of thumbnail item text lines.
ThumbnailTextPadding Gets or sets the thumbnail item text padding.
View Gets or sets the way of displaying BetterListView items.

Public Instance Methods

GetThumbnailSize Get thumbnail image size for the specified view.
GetThumbnailSpacing Get spacing between items in the specified view.
RestartLoadingOverloaded. Restart item loading if already running.
SetThumbnailSize Set thumbnail image size for the specified view.
SetThumbnailSpacing Set spacing between items for the specified view.
StartLoading Start loading thumbnail items.
StopLoading Stop loading thumbnail items.
ZoomIn Increase thumbnail image size.
ZoomOut Decrease thumbnail image size.

Public Instance Events

ItemLoaded Occurs when single item have been loaded.
LoadingFinished Occurs when item loading has finished (raised even if loading have been cancelled or have failed.
ThumbnailSizeChanged Occurs when thumbnail image size has changed.

Protected Instance Methods

DisposeOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Control and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
OnItemLoaded Raises the ItemLoaded event.
OnLoadingFinished Raises the LoadingFinished event.
OnMouseWheel Raises the MouseWheel event.
OnParentChanged Raises the ParentChanged event.
OnResize Raises the Resize event.
OnScrollBarValueChanged Raises the HScrollPropertiesChanged event or the VScrollPropertiesChanged event.
OnThumbnailSizeChanged Raises the ThumbnailSizeChanged event.
OnViewChanged Raises the ViewChanged event.

See Also

BetterThumbnailBrowser Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace