Better ListView Class Reference

SortedList(TItem) Members

SortedList(TItem) overview

Public Instance Constructors

SortedList(TItem) Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SortedList(TItem) class.

Public Instance Properties

Count Gets the number of elements contained in the ICollection`1.
IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the ICollection`1 is read-only.
Item get or set item at the specified index in the list

Public Instance Methods

Add Add the specified item to collection.
AddRange Add specified items to the collection.
Clear Removes all items from the ICollection`1.
Contains Determines whether the ICollection`1 contains a specific value.
CopyTo Copies the elements of the ICollection`1 to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
GetRangeOverloaded. Get the specified range of items from the list.
IndexOf Determines the index of a specific item in the IList`1.
Insert Inserts an item to the IList`1 at the specified index.
InsertRange Insert specified items to the specified position in the list.
Remove Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollection`1.
RemoveAt Removes the IList`1 item at the specified index.
RemoveRangeOverloaded. Remove items at the specified positions from the list.
SortOverloaded. Sort this list.
SortRangeOverloaded. Sort items in the list.
TryGetItem Try to get item at the specified index.

Protected Instance Constructors

SortedList(TItem) Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SortedList(TItem) class.

See Also

SortedList<TItem> Class | ComponentOwl.BetterListView.Collections Namespace