Better ListView Class Reference

ComponentOwl.BetterListView.Collections Namespace

Namespace Hierarchy


Class Description
HashList(TKey,TValue) Dictionary maintaining order of items.
PriorityQueue(TItem) A queue returning item with highest priority first while removing the item from collection. This implementation differs from System.Collections.SortedList because allows adding items with non-unique priorities.
PriorityQueue(TPriority,TItem) A queue returning item with highest priority first while removing the item from collection. This implementation differs from System.Collections.SortedList because allows adding items with non-unique priorities.
ReadOnlyDictionary(TKey,TValue) Read-only dictionary.
ReadOnlySet(TItem) Read-only hash set.
ReadWriteDictionary(TKey,TValue) Custom dictionary.
Set(TItem) Hash set.
SortedList(TItem) List that can keep its items sorted.
SortedSet(TItem) Sorted hash set implementation.


Interface Description
IExtendedCollection(TItem) Collection with extensions for certain collection operations.
IExtendedList(TItem) List with extensions for certain list operations.