Better ListView Class Reference

BetterListView Methods

The methods of the BetterListView class are listed below. For a complete list of BetterListView class members, see the BetterListView Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

AutoResizeColumnOverloaded. Set width of the specified column so that it shows whole items. This applies only do Details view.
AutoResizeColumnsOverloaded. Set width of all columns so that it shows whole items. This applies only do Details view.
BeginEditOverloaded. Edit the currently focused item.
ClearOverloaded. Remove all elements from the list.
ContainsOverloaded. Check whether this control contains the specified element.
EndEditOverloaded. Terminate label editing operation.
EnsureVisibleOverloaded. Scroll control to make the item with the specified index visible.
FindItemsWithTextOverloaded. Search for items within the control.
FindItemWithTextOverloaded. Search for item within the control.
FindNearestItem Find the next item from the specified item item, searching in the specified direction.
GetAddressFromLocation Get element address from element location.
GetColumnHeaderAtOverloaded. Get column header at the specified location in client coordinates.
GetColumnHeaderBounds Get boundaries of the specified column header.
GetColumnHeaderRect Get column header bounding rectangle.
GetDropInfo Get insertion location for the specified screen coordinates.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
GetGroupAtOverloaded. Get group at the specified location in client coordinates.
GetGroupBounds Get boundaries of the specified group.
GetGroupFromAddress Get BetterListViewGroup instance within this control from group address.
GetGroupRect Get group bounding rectangle.
GetItemAtOverloaded. Get item at the specified location in client coordinates.
GetItemAtNearestOverloaded. Get item nearest to the specified location in client coordinates.
GetItemBounds Get boundaries of the specified item.
GetItemFromAddress Get BetterListViewItem instance within this control from item address.
GetItemRectOverloaded. Get item bounding rectangle.
GetSubItemAtOverloaded. Get sub-item at the specified location in client coordinates.
GetSubItemBounds Get boundaries of the specified sub-item.
GetSubItemRect Get sub-item bounding rectangle.
HitTestOverloaded. Get information about mouse location with respect to control state.
LoadContentBinaryOverloaded. Load content to the control from the specified binary file.
LoadContentXmlOverloaded. Load content to the control from the specified XML file.
RedrawItems Redraw all items.
ReorderColumnsOverloaded. Switch order of the specified columns.
ResetCursor Resets the Cursor property to its default value.
ResetFocusRectangleDisplay Reset state of focus rectangle display to its initial value. Focus rectangle will not be displayed until focused item is changed through keyboard input.
ResumeSelectionChanged Resume raising SelectionChanged events.
ResumeSortOverloaded. Resume sorting items while control content changes.
SaveContentBinaryOverloaded. Save content of the control to the specified binary file.
SaveContentXmlOverloaded. Load content of the control to the specified XML file.
SetImageListItems Set images to be displayed on items and sub-items.
SortOverloaded. Sort items in the list.
SuspendSelectionChanged Suspend raising SelectionChanged events.
SuspendSort Suspend sorting items while control content changes.
Unsort Reset sorting.

Protected Instance Methods

AccessibilityInitialize Initialize accessibility support.
CreateAccessibilityInstance Creates a new accessibility object for the control.
DisposeOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Control and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
DoDefaultActionOverloaded. Perform default action on the specified item.
DrawingRedrawCore Internal method for redrawing doing the actual drawing.
GetAccessibilityObjectById Retrieves the specified AccessibleObject.
GetContentBounds Get content area boundaries.
IsInputChar Determines if a character is an input character that the control recognizes.
OnAfterItemSort Raises the AfterItemSort event.
OnAfterLabelEdit Raises the AfterLabelEdit event.
OnAfterLabelEditCancel Raises the AfterLabelEditCancel event.
OnAfterLabelEditEmbeddedControl Raises the AfterLabelEditEmbeddedControl event.
OnBackColorChanged Raises the BackColorChanged event.
OnBeforeDrag Raises the BeforeDrag event.
OnBeforeItemSort Raises the BeforeItemSort event.
OnBeforeLabelEdit Raises the BeforeLabelEdit event.
OnBindingContextChanged Raises the BindingContextChanged event.
OnColumnClick Raises the ColumnClick event.
OnColumnClicked Raises the ColumnClicked event.
OnColumnReordered Raises the ColumnReordered event.
OnColumnWidthChanged Raises the ColumnWidthChanged event.
OnColumnWidthChanging Raises the ColumnWidthChanging event.
OnDataSourceChanged Raises the DataSourceChanged event.
OnDisplayMemberChanged Raises the DisplayMemberChanged event.
OnDoubleClick Raises the DoubleClick event.
OnDragDrop Raises the DragDrop event.
OnDragDropEffectSetting Raises the DragDropEffectSetting event.
OnDragDropException Raises the DragDropException event.
OnDragEnter Raises the DragEnter event.
OnDragLeave Raises the DragLeave event.
OnDragOver Raises the DragOver event.
OnDrawBackground Raises the DrawBackground event.
OnDrawColumnHeader Raises the DrawColumnHeader event.
OnDrawColumnHeaderBackground Raises the DrawColumnHeaderBackground event.
OnDrawGroup Raises the DrawGroup event.
OnDrawGroupBackground Raises the DrawGroupBackground event.
OnDrawInsertionMark Raises the DrawInsertionMark event.
OnDrawItem Raises the DrawItem event.
OnDrawItemBackground Raises the DrawItemBackground event.
OnDrawToolTip Raises the DrawToolTip event.
OnEnabledChanged Raises the EnabledChanged event.
OnFocusedItemChanged Raises the FocusedItemChanged event.
OnFontChanged Raises the FontChanged event.
OnForeColorChanged Raises the ForeColorChanged event.
OnFormatItem Raises the FormatItem event.
OnGotFocus Raises the GotFocus event.
OnGroupCollapse Raises the GroupCollapse event.
OnGroupExpand Raises the GroupExpand event.
OnHandleCreated Raises the HandleCreated event.
OnHitTestChanged Raises the HitTestChanged event.
OnCheckAutoExpand Raises the CheckAutoExpand event.
OnCheckedItemsChanged Raises the CheckedItemsChanged event.
OnCheckItemReorder Raises the CheckItemReorder event.
OnItemActivate Raises the ItemActivate event.
OnItemCollapse Raises the ItemCollapse event.
OnItemDrag Raises the ItemDrag event.
OnItemDrop Raises the ItemDrop event.
OnItemExpand Raises the ItemExpand event.
OnItemCheck Raises the ItemCheck event.
OnItemChecked Raises the ItemChecked event.
OnItemMouseHover Raises the ItemMouseHover event.
OnItemReorder Raises the ItemReorder event.
OnItemSearch Raises the ItemSearch event.
OnItemSelectionChanged Raises the BeforeLabelEdit event.
OnKeyDown Raises the KeyDown event.
OnKeyPress Raises the KeyPress event.
OnKeyUp Raises the KeyUp event.
OnLostFocus Raises the LostFocus event.
OnMouseCaptureChanged Raises the MouseCaptureChanged event.
OnMouseDown Raises the MouseDown event.
OnMouseEnter Raises the MouseEnter event.
OnMouseHover Raises the MouseHover event.
OnMouseLeave Raises the MouseLeave event.
OnMouseMove Raises the MouseMove event.
OnMouseUp Raises the MouseUp event.
OnMouseWheel Raises the MouseWheel event.
OnPaint Raises the Paint event.
OnPopupToolTip Raises the PopupToolTip event.
OnQueryContinueDrag Raises the QueryContinueDrag event.
OnRequestEmbeddedControl Raises the RequestEmbeddedControl event.
OnResize Raises the Resize event.
OnScrollBarValueChanged Called when [scroll bar value changed].
OnSelectedIndexChanged Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event.
OnSelectedItemsChanged Raises the SelectedItemsChanged event.
OnViewChanged Raises the ViewChanged event.
OnVisibleChanged Raises the VisibleChanged event.
ProcessCmdKey Processes a command key.

See Also

BetterListView Class | ComponentOwl.BetterListView Namespace