
BetterListView Properties

The properties of the BetterListView class are listed below. For a complete list of BetterListView class members, see the BetterListView Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AccessibleDefaultActionDescription Gets or sets the default action description of the control for use by accessibility client applications.
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the description of the control used by accessibility client applications.
AccessibleName Gets or sets the name of the control used by accessibility client applications.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the accessible role of the control
Activation Gets or sets item activation mode.
AllowAutoScroll Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow automatic scrolling of content when mouse is outside client area on some actions.
AllowAutoToolTips Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow automatic ToolTips to be displayed on items.
AllowAutoToolTipsColumns Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow automatic ToolTips to be displayed on column headers.
AllowAutoToolTipsGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow automatic ToolTips to be displayed on groups.
AllowAutoToolTipsSubItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow automatic ToolTips to be displayed on sub-items.
AllowDrag Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow Drag and Drop operation to be initiated.
AllowDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow dropping data on the control with Drag and Drop mechanism.
AllowedDragEffects Gets or sets allowed effects for Drag and Drop operations.
AllowMultiColumnSorting Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow for sorting with multiple columns using Shift modifier key.
AutoExpandDelay Gets or sets time period (in milliseconds) before group or item is expanded when dragging data over it.
AutoSizeItemsInDetailsView Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically resize items to client width in Details view without columns.
BackgroundImageAlignment Gets or sets background image alignment. Works with BackgroundImageLayout.None.
BackgroundImageLayout Gets or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration.
BackgroundImageOpacity Gets or sets background image opacity.
BottomColumn Gets the last visible column header.
BottomColumnIndex Gets the last visible column header index.
BottomGroup Gets the last visible group.
BottomGroupIndex Gets the last visible group index.
BottomItem Gets the last visible item.
BottomItemIndex Gets the last visible item index.
CacheImages cache resized images for faster redrawing of the control
CircularSelection Allow jumping to item on another side of the list by moving selection.
ColorColumnResizeLine Gets or sets color of the column resizing line.
ColorGridLines Gets or sets color of the grid lines.
ColorInsertionMark Gets or sets color of the insertion mark (column headers).
ColorSortedColumn Gets or sets color of the sorted column background.
ColumnReorderMode Gets or sets column reordering mode.
Columns Gets collection of column headers.
ColumnsDisplayMode Gets or sets display mode of the column headers.
ColumnsVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether column headers are visible.
ContextMenuStrip Gets or sets common ContextMenuStrip.
ContextMenuStripColumns Gets or sets ContextMenuStrip available by clicking on the column header.
ContextMenuStripGroups Gets or sets ContextMenuStrip available by clicking the group area.
ContextMenuStripItems Gets or sets ContextMenuStrip available by clicking the items area.
Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control.
DataBindColumns Gets or sets a value indicating whether to synchronize columns with the bound data structure.
DataBindPosition Gets or sets a value indicating whether to synchronize selected item with the current position in bound data structure.
DataSource Gets or sets data source for this control.
DisplayMember Gets or sets property to display on list items.
DragSelectionInversion Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow item selection inversion by holding Control key while drag selecting items.
EmptyText Gets or sets text to be shown when there are no items in BetterListView.
FocusedGroup Gets or sets currently focused group.
FocusedItem Gets or sets currently focused item.
FocusedSubItem Gets or sets currently focused sub-item.
FontColumns Gets or sets font of column headers texts.
FontGroups Gets or sets font of group texts.
FontItems Gets or sets font of item texts.
ForeColorColumns Gets or sets foreground color of column headers texts.
ForeColorGroups Gets or sets foreground color of group texts.
FullRowSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow selection across all columns (Details view).
GridLines Gets or sets whether to show grid lines (in details view).
GroupHeaderBehavior Extra behavior of group headers when interacting with keyboard and mouse.
GroupItemCheck Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check all selected items when a single selected item is checked.
Groups Gets collection of BetterListView groups.
HeaderStyle Gets or sets appearance and behavor of column headers.
HideSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether to hide selection when the control loses focus.
HideSelectionMode Gets or sets the item selection display mode when control loses focus.
HScrollBarDisplayMode Gets or sets display of the horizontal scroll bar.
CheckBoxes Gets or sets display of the check boxes.
CheckBoxesAlign Keep items with hidden check box aligned the same way as items with visible check box.
CheckBoxesVisible Gets a value indicating whether check boxes are visible.
CheckedIndices Gets indices of checked items.
CheckedItems Gets collection of checked items.
ImageList Gets or sets images to be displayed on items (common for all views).
ImageListColumns Gets or sets images to be displayed on column headers.
ImageListCurrent Gets or sets images to be displayed on items and sub-items for the current view.
ImageListGroups Gets or sets images to be displayed on groups.
InsertionMark Gets or sets the insertion mark.
IsAnythingSelected Gets a value indicating whether there are any items selected.
IsSelectionChangedSuspended Gets a value indicating whether raising of SelectionChanged events is suspended.
IsSortSuspended Gets a value indicating whether the control does not re-sort items while updating.
ItemComparer Gets or sets comparer for item sorting.
ItemDropDisplayExternal Gets or sets item Drag and Drop display mode when dragging data from another control.
ItemDropDisplayInternal Gets or sets item Drag and Drop display mode when dragging data within control.
ItemReorderMode Gets or sets item reordering mode.
ItemReorderOptions Gets or sets item reordering options.
Items Gets collection of BetterListView items.
LabelEdit Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable in-place item label editing.
LabelEditActivation Gets or sets label editing activation method.
LabelEditDefaultAccept Gets or sets default label editing action when label editing is ended by the control.
LayoutColumns Gets column headers layout.
LayoutGroupsCurrent Gets group layout for the current view.
LayoutGroupsHorizontal Gets horizontal group layout.
LayoutGroupsVertical Gets vertical group layout.
LayoutItemsCurrent Gets item layout for the current view.
LayoutItemsDetails Gets item layout (Details view when columns are not visible).
LayoutItemsDetailsColumns Gets item layout (Details view when columns are visible).
LayoutItemsLargeIcon Gets item layout (LargeIcon view).
LayoutItemsList Gets item layout (List view).
LayoutItemsSmallIcon Gets item layout (SmallIcon view).
LayoutItemsThumbnails Gets item layout (Thumbnails view).
LayoutItemsTile Gets item layout (Tile view).
MaximumAutoSizeWidth Gets or sets maximum allowed automatic size of the column.
MaximumToolTipTextLength maximum allowed text length to be shown in automatic tooltip
MouseWheelScrollExtent Gets or sets relative number of items to scroll for a single mouse wheel detent.
MultiSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow multiple items to be selected.
OptimizedInvalidation Gets or sets a value indicating whether to invalidate only regions of client area where changes were made.
ReadOnly The control does not accept keyboard and mouse input.
SearchSettings Gets or sets keyboard searching options.
SearchTimeoutDelay Gets or sets period between searches after the user stopped typing (in milliseconds).
SelectedIndices Gets the collection of selected item indices.
SelectedItems Gets the collection of selected items.
SelectedValue Gets or sets selected value.
SelectedValues Gets or sets collection of selected values.
ShowDefaultGroupHeader Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show header of a default group.
ShowEmptyGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show all groups (including the groups without items).
ShowGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show groups containing items.
ShowToolTips Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show ToolTips on items.
ShowToolTipsColumns Gets or sets a value indicating whether show ToolTips on column headers.
ShowToolTipsGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show ToolTips on groups.
ShowToolTipsSubItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show ToolTips on sub-items.
SortedColumnsRowsHighlight Gets or sets display mode of a sorted column. Highlight color is specified by ColorSortedColumn property.
SortList Gets or sets information about column sorting.
SortOnCollectionChange Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically sort items when collection is changed.
SortVirtual Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show sorted state, but do not physically sort items.
SubItemFocusBehavior Gets or sets sub-item focus rectangle behavior.
Text Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
TileSize Gets or sets size of the tiles shown in Tile view.
ToolTipInfo Gets or sets client area ToolTip settings for this control.
ToolTipOptions Gets or sets ToolTip appearance and behavior options.
TopColumn Gets the first visible column header.
TopColumnIndex Gets the first visible column header index.
TopGroup Gets the first visible group.
TopGroupIndex Gets the first visible group index.
TopItem Gets the first visible item.
TopItemIndex Gets the first visible item index.
ValueMember Gets or sets property to use as a list item value.
View Gets or sets the way of displaying BetterListView items.
VisibleColumns Currently visible columns.
VisibleGroups Currently visible groups.
VisibleItems Currently visible items.
VScrollBarDisplayMode Gets or sets display of the vertical scroll bar.

Protected Instance Properties

DefaultSize Gets the default size of the control.
ViewInternal Gets the view corresponding to a specific layout (depending on current settings).

See Also

BetterListView Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace