
BetterListViewToolTipOptions Properties

The properties of the BetterListViewToolTipOptions structure are listed below. For a complete list of BetterListViewToolTipOptions structure members, see the BetterListViewToolTipOptions Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AutomaticDelay automatic delay for the ToolTip
AutoPopDelay period of time the ToolTip remains visible if the pointer is stationary on a control
InitialDelay time that passes before the ToolTip appears
IsDefault this BetterListViewToolTipOptions structure contains default values
ReshowDelay length of time that must transpire before subsequent ToolTip windows appear as the pointer moves from one control part to another
ShowAlways ToolTip window is displayed, even when the control is not active
UseAnimation use animation effect when displaying a ToolTip
UseFading use fade effect when displaying a ToolTip

See Also

BetterListViewToolTipOptions Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace