
BetterListViewImageSize Members

BetterListViewImageSize overview

Public Static Fields

Empty Represents an empty BetterListViewImageSize structure.

Public Static Operators

Equality Operator Test wheter the two BetterListViewImageSize objects are identical.
Inequality Operator Test wheter the two BetterListViewImageSize objects are different.

Public Instance Constructors

BetterListViewImageSize Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the BetterListViewImageSize class.

Public Instance Properties

IsEmpty This BetterListViewImageSize structure is empty.
IsFixed Minimum and maximum image sizes are the same.
MaximumSize Maximum allowed image size.
MinimumSize Minimum allowed image size.

Public Instance Methods

Equals Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this instance.
GetImageBounds Get size of image frame and relative image boundaries within the frame.
GetImageSizeOverloaded. Get sizes of image frame and image for the given image.

See Also

BetterListViewImageSize Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace