
BetterListViewElementCollectionChangeInfo Members

BetterListViewElementCollectionChangeInfo overview

Public Static Operators

Equality Operator Test whether the two BetterListViewAddress objects are identical.
Inequality Operator Test whether the two BetterListViewAddress objects are different.

Public Instance Constructors

BetterListViewElementCollectionChangeInfo Constructor Initializes a new instance of the BetterListViewElementCollectionChangeInfo struct.

Public Instance Properties

Elements elements that are subject to collection modification with corresponding indices before modification
ChangeType type of collection modification
IsSync the collection modification is done for synchronization with other data

Public Instance Methods

Equals Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.

See Also

BetterListViewElementCollectionChangeInfo Class | ComponentOwl.BetterThumbnailBrowser Namespace