Better SplitButton Class Reference

BetterSplitButton Members

BetterSplitButton overview

Public Instance Constructors

BetterSplitButton Constructor Intialize a new BetterSplitButton instance.

Public Instance Properties

AlwaysDropDown Indicates whether the BetterSplitButton always shows the drop-down menu even if the non-split part is clicked.
AutoEllipsis This property controls the activation handling of bleedover for the text that extends beyond the width of the button.
AutoSize Indicates whether the control is automatically resized to fit its contents.
AutoSizeMode Allows the control to optionally shrink when AutoSize is true.
BackColor For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, determines the appearance of the border and the colors used to indicate its state.
BlockEnterAndSpaceBar Indicates whether the button reacts to Enter and Space keys.
ContextMenuStrip ContextMenuStrip associated with this control.
DialogResult The dialog-box result produced in a modal form by clicking the button.
DoubleClickEnabled Indicates whether the double click event is raised on the BetterSplitButton.
FlatAppearance For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, determines the appearance of the border and the colors used to indicate its state.
FlatStyle Gets or sets the visual style of the button.
Image Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control.
ImageAlign The alignment of the image that will be displayed on the control.
ImageIndex The index of the image in the ImageList to display on the control.
ImageKey Gets or sets the image list index key of the image displayed on the button control.
ImageList Gets or sets the ImageList that contains the Image displayed on a button control.
SplitGlyphScaling Split are glyph scaling factor.
SplitImageList ImageList for the split button part.
SplitSize Split part width in pixels.
Text Gets or sets the text caption displayed in the button.
TextAlign Gets or sets the alignment of the text on the button control.
TextImageRelation Specifies the relatice location of the image to the text on the button.
UseCompatibleTextRendering Specifies whether text rendering shoud be compatible with previous releases of Windows Forms.
UseMnemonic Gets or sets a value indicating whether an ampersand (&) included in the text of the control.
UseVisualStyleBackColor Determines whether the backgrount is drawn using visual styles, if visual styles are supported.

Public Instance Methods

NotifyDefault Notifies a control that it is the default button so that its appearance and behavior is adjusted accordingly.
PerformClick Generates a Click event for the control.
Refresh Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls.

Public Instance Events

AutoSizeChanged Occurs when AutoSize property has changed.
BeforeMenuShown Occurs before the context menu is shown.
SplitButtonClick Occurs when the split part is clicked.
SplitButtonDoubleClick Occurs when the split part is double-clicked.

Protected Instance Properties

DefaultSize Gets the default size of the control.

Protected Instance Methods

OnBeforeMenuShown Raises the BeforeMenuShown event.
OnClick Invokes context menu if the mouse is in split area or if AlwaysDropDown is set true; otherwise, invokes click event.
OnDoubleClick Invokes context menu if the mouse is in split area or if AlwaysDropDown is set true; otherwise, invokes double-click event. DoubleClickEnabled must be set true; othervise, takes no action.
OnEnabledChanged Refreshes the state of the button including the split part.
OnGotFocus Refreshes the split part of the button after focussed.
OnKeyDown Updates state of the split part of the button as the Space key is hit.
OnKeyUp Invokes the context menu if CTRL-Space (or Space-CTRL) is pressed.
OnLostFocus Refreshes the split part of the button after focus is lost.
OnMouseCaptureChanged Refreshes the button after capture is lost.
OnMouseDown Ivokes appropriate action depending on the mouse position and the AlwaysDropDown property.
OnMouseLeave Updates the state of the split part as the mouse leaves.
OnMouseMove Updates the state of the split part on mouse-over.
OnMouseUp Refreshes state of the split part.
OnPaint Draws the BetterSplitButton into the parent.
OnSplitButtonClick Raises the SplitButtonClick event.
OnSplitButtonDoubleClick Raises the SplitButtonDoubleClick event.
ProcessCmdKey Filters the Enter and Space key if BlockEnterAndSpaceBar is set true.
ProcessMnemonic Invokes a click event if correct mnemonic key is pressed.

See Also

BetterSplitButton Class | ComponentOwl.BetterSplitButton Namespace