Better ListView Class Reference

BetterListViewHitTestInfo Members

BetterListViewHitTestInfo overview

Public Static Fields

Empty empty BetterListViewHitTestInfo structure

Public Static Operators

Equality Operator Test whether the two BetterListViewHitTestInfo objects are identical.
Inequality Operator Test whether the two BetterListViewHitTestInfo objects are different.

Public Instance Properties

ColumnHeader located column header
ColumnHeaderPart located part of a column header (if a column header itself is located)
ColumnHeaderStateInfo state of a column header (if located)
Group located group
GroupPart located group part
GroupStateInfo state of a group (if located)
IsEmpty this BetterListViewHitTestInfo structure is empty
ItemDisplay located item
ItemPartDisplay located part of an item (if an item itself is located)
ItemPartSelection located part of a selectable item (if an item itself is located)
ItemSelection located selectable item
ItemStateInfo state of an item (if located)
Locations locations of mouse pointer
SubItem located sub-item
SubItemPart located part of a sub-item (if a sub-item itself is located)

Public Instance Methods

Equals Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
ToString Returns a String that represents this instance.

See Also

BetterListViewHitTestInfo Class | ComponentOwl.BetterListView Namespace