Better ListView Class Reference

BetterListViewComboBoxEmbeddedControl Members

BetterListViewComboBoxEmbeddedControl overview

Public Instance Constructors

BetterListViewComboBoxEmbeddedControl Constructor Initialize a new BetterListViewComboBoxEmbeddedControl instance.

Public Instance Properties

DropDownImmediate drop down the combo box immediately when got focus
LabelText current (edited) label text

Public Instance Methods

GetData get data from the specified sub-item in control
SetData set data from control to the specified sub-item
SetSize set control size

Public Instance Events

RequestAccept request accepting updated data in BetterListView
RequestCancel request cancelling editing

Protected Instance Methods

OnGotFocus Raises the GotFocus event.
OnKeyDown Raises the KeyDown event.

See Also

BetterListViewComboBoxEmbeddedControl Class | ComponentOwl.BetterListView Namespace