databinding – Owl's Blog on .NET development Component Owl codes Better ListView control all night so you don't have to. Tue, 04 Sep 2018 13:10:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Binding Images in Better ListView Mon, 28 Jan 2013 03:54:22 +0000 Better ListView 3.5 have improved data binding functionality. You can adjust how the data rows will be converted to items/sub-items and vice versa. For example, you can show images based on the bound data:

Better ListView with bound list

Better ListView with bound list

Say you have a simple Server type:


[csharp gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
public class Server
public string ServerName

public int ServerStatus

public Server(string name, int status)
ServerName = name;
ServerStatus = status;

Visual Basic

[vb gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
Public Class Server

Public Property ServerName() As String
Return m_ServerName
End Get
m_ServerName = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property ServerStatus() As Integer
Return m_ServerStatus
End Get
m_ServerStatus = Value
End Set
End Property

Private m_ServerName As String
Private m_ServerStatus As Integer

Public Sub New(name As String, status As Integer)
ServerName = name
ServerStatus = status
End Sub

End Class

This class contains two properties representing server name and its status. The server name is a textual property and one would like this mapped to item label as usual. However, the server status is a numerical value which have no meaning to the user even when converted to string. In fact, the numerical value can be 0 (offline), 1 (idle) or 2 (running). You may like to display color icons instead of plain strings or numbers. What if we would like to even highlight some items or change other properties during data binding? This is possible through Better ListView data binding customization.

First, let’s create a list of Server objects and bind this to a Better ListView. We would like to have columns auto-generated, so we set DataBindColumns to true:


[csharp gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
Server[] servers = new[]
new Server(“Andromeda”, 2),
new Server(“Taurus”, 1),
new Server(“Himalia”, 2),
new Server(“Nanda”, 2),
new Server(“Elara”, 0),
new Server(“Perseus”, 2),
new Server(“Titan”, 1)

ImageList imageList = new ImageList();

imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
imageList.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16);

BetterListView listView = new CustomListView();

listView.DataBindColumns = true;
listView.DataSource = servers;
listView.ImageList = imageList;

Visual Basic

[vb gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
Dim servers As Server() = New () {New Server(“Andromeda”, 2), New Server(“Taurus”, 1), New Server(“Himalia”, 2), New Server(“Nanda”, 2), New Server(“Elara”, 0), New Server(“Perseus”, 2), _
New Server(“Titan”, 1)}

Dim imageList As New ImageList()

imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit
imageList.ImageSize = New Size(16, 16)

Dim listView As BetterListView = New CustomListView()

listView.DataBindColumns = True
listView.DataSource = servers
listView.ImageList = imageList

Let’s take a look on the result:

Better ListView with bound list

Better ListView with bound list


The columns were auto-generated and Server properties properly converted to item and sub-item labels. The generated column header labels are just names of the corresponding properties (ServerName, ServerStatus). You can make the names more convenient by providing DisplayNameAttribute on the respective properties:


[csharp gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]

[DisplayName(“Server Name”)]
public string ServerName

public int ServerStatus


Visual Basic

[vb gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]

Public Property ServerName() As String
Return m_ServerName
End Get
m_ServerName = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property ServerStatus() As Integer
Return m_ServerStatus
End Get
m_ServerStatus = Value
End Set
End Property


Now the column names are more user friendly:

Better ListView with bound list

Better ListView with bound list

We will finally add state images (instead of the numbers) and highlight some items. To do that, we have to override DataCreateItem method in a class derived from BetterListView:


[csharp gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
public class CustomListView : BetterListView
protected override BetterListViewItem DataCreateItem(
CurrencyManager currentDataManager,
BindingMemberInfo[] currentDisplayMembers,
int index)
// create item using the base implementation
BetterListViewItem item = base.DataCreateItem(

// get server status from the current Server object
int serverStatus = ((Server)currentDataManager.List[index]).ServerStatus;

if (serverStatus == 0)
// bold item when server status is 0
item.IsBold = true;

// get sub-item corresponding to server status
BetterListViewSubItem subItemStatus = item.SubItems[1];

subItemStatus.ImageIndex = serverStatus; // set image for the sub-item
subItemStatus.Text = “”; // clear sub-item text

return item;

Visual Basic

[vb gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”]
Public Class CustomListView
Inherits BetterListView

Protected Overrides Function DataCreateItem(currentDataManager As CurrencyManager, currentDisplayMembers As BindingMemberInfo(), index As Integer) As BetterListViewItem

‘ create item using the base implementation
Dim item As BetterListViewItem = MyBase.DataCreateItem(currentDataManager, currentDisplayMembers, index)

‘ get server status from the current Server object
Dim serverStatus As Integer = DirectCast(currentDataManager.List(index), Server).ServerStatus

If serverStatus = 0 Then
‘ bold item when server status is 0
item.IsBold = True
End If

‘ get sub-item corresponding to server status
Dim subItemStatus As BetterListViewSubItem = item.SubItems(1)

subItemStatus.ImageIndex = serverStatus
‘ set image for the sub-item
subItemStatus.Text = “”
‘ clear sub-item text
Return item

End Function

End Class

Now the control displays adjusted images and a highlighted item:

Better ListView with bound list

Better ListView with bound list

Note that you can customize data binding the other way as well by overriding the DataUpdateSubItemToSource method. This method is responsible for updating the bound data source when item/sub-item value have been modified.

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Better ListView 2.00 released Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:25:39 +0000 A new major version of Better ListView has been released! Download the new version.

Item hierarchy with multi-line items in groups

Item hierarchy with multi-line items in groups

Summary of what’s new:

We have added four new major features:

  • Groups – items can be organized in collapsible groups
  • Item Hierarchy – items can be organized in a tree structure, can be also collapsed just like the nodes in a TreeView
  • Multi-Line Items – item texts can break in several lines and each item can have different size
  • Data Binding – complex data binding is fully supported, any List, DataTable, DataView, array or any other IList-type object can be bound to Better ListView as a data source

Many existing features of Better ListView has been enhanced in favor of these. For example:

  • Item reordering can be done with hierarchical items as well; user can even create child items
  • It is possible to move items between different groups

Some of the minor features added are:

  • Layouts can be adjustable – item sizes and spacings, even internal spacings
  • Added new label editing controls (calendar and drop down box)
  • Better ListView content (columns, items and groups) can be saved to file (XML or binary)
  • Multi-line items support added
  • See full changelog for details

We have also fixed many issues and improved performance of Thumbnails view and operations with collections.

About then new version

The new version 2.00 brings new major features, the most important one being item hierarchy support. This allows you to create tree-list structures in the list view, without having to sacrifice any of the list view functionality (columns, sorting, grouping, Drag and Drop reordering, etc).

Highly customizable item grouping capabilities were added. Individual group headers can have customized look and behavior. The group headers can be collapsible, support images, custom context menus, are focusable, and more.

Version 2.0 also improves the thumbnail view. The control handles larger images smoothly, even while resizing.

List items, group headers and column header can newly have custom padding specified for all of their elements, which makes it easy to do owner drawing of custom elements, such as overlay icons in the thumbnail view. Every part of the control can be newly replaced by custom drawing, not just overdrawn.

Version 2.0 newly allows you to save/load the list view contents with 1 just line of code, either in XML or binary format, to either file or string. Data-binding with custom column-mapping is supported as well.

Multi-line listview items are also newly supported. List items with very long text can take place of two (r more) regular items, so the text whole text is readable.

Better ListView 2

Thumbnails in groups

DataTable bound to Better ListView

DataTable bound to Better ListView

Other news – new comics for developers!

We’ve also started publishing new webcomics for developers on our website, drawn by the Better ListView lead developer, Libor Tinka.

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